There are a lot of questions we ought to be considering with respect to governments coercing their citizens to inject medicine into their bodies. The questions come from every angle: legal, moral, ethical, philosophical, medical, social, spiritual, metaphysical—lots of questions, very few answers. But all those questions are quickly being mooted by facts on the…
How do you solve a problem like Cuomo?
The big story in American politics right now is the release of a report from the New York Attorney General’s office concluding, among other things, “that the Governor engaged in conduct constituting sexual harassment under federal and New York State law.” That governor would of course be one Andrew Cuomo, son of former New York…
A Good Day for Big Brother
Friends of Big Brother rejoice! First: good news! According to DR, Twitter is partnering with AP and Reuters to improve their ability to enforce the narrative in real time: According to Twitter, the two news bureaus will contribute to trustworthy information about central topics and events being accessible while they happen. This will be especially…
There’s Life in the Old Lie Yet
On Sunday, Berlingske published the first in a series of three interviews with Danish authors on the subject of racism in Denmark: Author Sofie Jama got shit smeared on her front door: The aggressiveracists are the most sincere in their communication Kristian Lindberg, AOK,, August 1 Sofie Jama is a Somali-born Dane who came…
1000 Words
The Post makes a pretty strong case with very few words: Given Americans’ general innumeracy, and their apparent amnesia (it was “two weeks to flatten the curve” back in March of 2020), this is probably a much more powerful bit of pro-liberty counter-propaganda than any amount of reasoned arguments. I’d humbly note, however, that asking…
On Misinformation
There was an article on Berlingske’s AOK website yesterday about the problem of internet misinformation: Nonsense and fake news have been spreading like a virus—here’s the cureKresten Schultz-Jørgensen, AOK,, July 29 Schultz-Jørgensen is the administrative director of Oxymoron, a Danish communications bureau that, according to their website (emphasis in original), “creates change by uniting…
Legislative Burnout
Berlingske has been running a series on the work culture at our capitol of Christiansborg. Entitled “Is Christiansborg’s work culture sick?”, the series was apparently launched because “a number of politicians, officials and journalists at Christiansborg have recently reported on a stressful work environment, which has not only led to sick leave among the elected…
On Conservatism
What’s News
Use Mascara!
Forgiveness & Responsibility
NOTE: AmerikanskeTilstande will be on vacation for the rest of July. Posts will be published, but on a much more sporadic basis. I always said there’d be time enough for countin’ when the dealin’s done. Actually that was Kenny Rogers. What I said (and wrote) repeatedly was that whenever we reached the end of the…
The Inadequacy of “Enough’s Enough”
I haven’t seen any coverage of this in America (yet), but four Nordic newspapers published an open letter to China on their front pages today: Norway’s Aftenposten, Sweden’s Dagens Nyheter, Finland’s Helsingin Sanomat, and Denmark’s own Politiken. Politiken had it blaring out at the world from the top of their home page this morning: At…
“Mr. Biden, Tear Down This Party…”
It’s gratifying to hear something you’ve been saying for years get said on the floor of the House of Representatives. During comments on a bill to remove certain statues from Congress yesterday, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said a number of things I’ve said repeatedly on this blog, and have been saying for an even…
The Phantom Menace
G.K. Chesteron opens up The Superstition of Divorce with a passage I think I’ve already quoted somewhere on this blog: It is still in some strange way considered unpractical to open up inquiries about anything by asking what it is. I happen to have, however, a fairly complete contempt for that sort of practicality; for…
Police Blotter
The Nordsjælland Police issued an important bulletin Saturday evening: In English: “We’re currently receiving a lot of similar reports about a group of 11 people and change having dealt a beating to a group of the same size. The crime scene was reportedly a big grass lawn, and the victims were reportedly Welsh.” Quickly followed…
The Vision Thing
Note: There was no post on Thursday due to our clearly having been hexed by witches. American social media and conservative commentators have been reacting strongly to a clip from Joe Biden’s gun control statement on Wednesday. They have since moved on to his bizarre whispering during a Thursday Q&A about the infrastructure bill, but…
On the Burning of Witches
Today is Sankt Hans Aften in Denmark: St. John’s Eve. The holiday is a celebration of John the Baptist’s birth, which the Gospel dates six months prior to Jesus’s: thus St. John’s Day is six months before Christmas. (More or less: changing calendars over the years have resulted in the slight offset.) Skt. Hans Aften…
The Left is Always Right
Good news, everybody! Turns out it’s not racist to require voters to provide identification after all. Not only that, but it turns out Critical Race Theory is no big deal: it’s just about teaching kids about the history of slavery and race relations in the United States. These revelations are brought to us courtesy of…
No Country for Bad Ideas
Under which circumstances would you say it’s appropriate to stone a man to death? What conditions would have to be fulfilled? What if your ideas about circumstances and conditions differed from mine: how would we determine which of us was right? If neither of our answers conformed to the generally accepted definitions of when it…
Liberalism in Peril
Today’s Berlingske features an opinion piece by Samuel Rachlin, with whose work I’m completely unfamiliar, entitled “A summit with a view to a little of everything: a turning point, doom, a big political miracle, or an historical nightmare.” It’s not particularly caustic one way or the other—in fact, on many levels this opinion piece seems…