The Continuing Crisis of Innumeracy, Part Whatever

Most of the men and women in our establishment media are bad with numbers. Really bad. They’re bad at counting things, bad at statistics, bad at economics, bad at math. Which is bad for those of us who rely on them to shape our understanding of the world we live in. Fortunately that’s a rapidly…

Awakening to Wokeness

Tom Jensen is the editor in chief of Berlingske Tidende, and after years of coddling the American left he seems to be waking up to the fact that something is rotten in America: I’m not “cisgendered.” I’m a man.Tom Jensen,, May 1 Jensen is apparently trying to bring his newspaper’s Danish readers up to…

Democracy Under Attack

We begin this post with two quick items before getting into our headline event. First: last night’s Fredagsrock at Tivoli appears to have been a calm affair. Youngest attended with four friends: they were able to enter the park at about three in the afternoon, the crowd never got out of hand, and they enjoyed…


The elites. The anointed. The establishment. The cathedral. The machine. These are the words most often used to describe the set of people and organizations who wield most of the political power, control most of the economic resources, and exert the most cultural influence in the western world today. The terms are used so widely,…

The Tivoli Experiment

Tivoli Gardens, one of the jewels of Copenhagen, opened earlier this month: it’s renowned as possibly one of the best places on earth. One of Tivoli’s long-running features is Fredagsrock (“Friday Rock”), a series of Friday evening rock concerts on their open-air main stage through the spring and summer. The concert on April 15 was…

Herded for Trouble

I thought it was old news that we human beings are pack animals, that we’re group-oriented by nature. According to this article from Berlingske, however, it’s not old news at all. It’s trailblazing new stuff. It’s surprising. I’m not a psychologist or sociologist, so I can’t claim to be up to speed on the literature,…

The Dangerous, Violent, and Barbaric Lunatics of the Thoughtful Left

Mikkel Danielsen has another big story about Trump out today, but that’s about as noteworthy as a rainy day in Denmark. He’s billed as Berlingske’s USA Correspondent, but for all practicaly purposes Danielsen is now their Trump correspondent. It gets tedious. There’s an actual American president out there right now who’s even less popular than…

Three White Men Cross Their Streams to Destroy a Woman Running Against Another White Man

This is a pretty remarkable headline: Foreign heads of state involve themselves in French presidential election: warn against voting for Le PenPer Bang Thomsen,, 22 Apr Election interference by foreign countries is supposed to be a bad thing, isn’t it? That’s what American Democrats and their international allies—everyone who wants to sit at the…

Much Too Little, Much Too Late

Mikkel Danielsen is Berlingske Tidende’s USA correspondent. I don’t know how I missed it, but on April 4 he actually came across with the goods on Hunter Biden—and that’s a full six days before I wrote my post about the “ongoing silence.” I screwed up. There was at least one story in the Danish media…

It’s not a language problem

This was the top story on this afternoon: Everything going on in the world, and on Easter weekend, that’s Berlinge’s big splashy headline. The headline says, “Rei is a nonbinary transsexual and has a question everyone could “benefit” by asking themselves.” I won’t bother with a spoiler alert, I’ll give you Rei’s question straight…

Umbrella Economics

Back when I lived in New York, there were always guys hanging around the entrances to the busier subway stops selling all kinds of junk: pirated CDs and DVDs, scarves, knock-off purses and wallets, cheap sunglasses, the usual kind of flea-market crap. A lot of them also sold umbrellas. Cheap things, sure to blow apart…

Is DR Deceitful or Just Oblivious?

I have to ask this of the DR editorial staff, at least those responsible for coverage of the United States: are they willfully dishonest, or just ignorant? It went the right way for many years, but crime is now rising in New YorkMads Vestergaard,, Apr 14 That’s an article that’s “hooked” to the recent…

We Are Not Amused

“I am large,” Walt Whitman wrote in a celebrated passage of Song of Myself, “I contain multitudes.” He was obviously writing figuratively, in a way that most people could (and still do) grasp. After all, the narrator of the poem is I and not We. And the poem ain’t called Song of Myselves, or Song…

Reflections on the Ongoing Silence

Danes who rely on Danish media for their understanding of the world still don’t know that the same “news” outlets that declared Hunter Biden’s laptop to be a Russian operation back in the weeks before the 2020 presidential election have at last acknowledged its authenticity. That’s a deeply significant story for two reasons. Firstly because…

Will China vote to expel Russia from the UN Human Rights Council? Will North Korea? Libya?

China, yesterday: Control your soul’s desire for freedom. Do not open your window. Do not sing. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Imagine living somewhere, some big modern city, where drones fly around giving you orders. There are 26 million people in Shanghai. That’s a fact. It’s a thing we can’t deny. And…

The Zelensky Gambit

Having been a resident of New York on 9/11, I’ll always think fondly of Rudy Giuliani. His performance as mayor that day—ironically enough an election day on which his successor was to have been chosen—is surely remembered warmly by everyone else who lived in New York City at the time. Amidst all the confusion and…

Marchons, Marchons!

The big news over the weekend was the lack of assaults at the Grammy Awards. Also interesting: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky stunned the Grammy Awards on Sunday night with a surprise message in which he told the audience to “fill the silence with music.” DR has roused itself to meet Zelensky’s challenge: they’ve prepared a…

The Lizardmen Who Drink Bleach

Every now and then I still encounter someone who thinks the Dread Tyrant Trump told people to drink or inject themselves with bleach. That’s a mere annoyance: if people still believe that ridiculousness at this point, I’m obviously not going to be able to talk or write them out of it. But from time to…

On The Famous Oligarchs

Let’s talk about those sinister oligarchs we keep hearing about. Let’s talk about the men—they’re all men—of vast wealth who control whole industries and exist in perfect symbiosis with their regime: a regime that grants the oligarchs regulatory favors so they can make more money, in return for which favors the oligarchs throw the full…