American Bogeymen

A project at the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics has been looking into the polarization of American culture and politics in the hopes of finding an antidote. In their own words, they hope to “use innovative polling and data analytics to identify America’s political fissures, and explain ways to foster compromise.” That’s fancy talk…

Hyperbole Will Kill Everyone, Destroy the Planet, and Mutilate All Puppies

A recent article from the Financial Times is an excellent specimen of a lot that’s wrong with today’s journalism. The Strange Death of American DemocracyMartin Wolf, Financial Times, Sep 28 I’m glad it’s in English, because I don’t have to worry about losing anything in translation. Here’s how it opens: “An American ‘Caesarism’ has now…

What’s News

While down in the the west (see yesterday’s post) I bundled up a whole bunch of stuff I wanted to deal with on this blog. Maybe I’ll get to some of it and maybe I won’t in the days ahead, but it won’t be today. Because an article published on Berlingske yesterday demands my attention…

The Phantom Menace

G.K. Chesteron opens up The Superstition of Divorce with a passage I think I’ve already quoted somewhere on this blog: It is still in some strange way considered unpractical to open up inquiries about anything by asking what it is. I happen to have, however, a fairly complete contempt for that sort of practicality; for…

The Restoration Will Be Unsourced

More and more damning information is coming about Dr. Fauci, the Wuhan lab leak theory, and the mechanics of statecraft applied to the suppression of scientific inquiry, even from some piously leftwing outlets. The border crisis continues unabated. Mere weeks after Eastern European hackers shut down a major gas pipeline and caused gas shortages across…

Murdering Journalism

There were other things I wanted to write about today: several articles about U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s visit to Denmark, a fawning “portrait” of him on DR over the weekend, the murderous and hateful Islamic State twin sisters who want to return “home” to Denmark from their camp in Syria, Danish coverage of…

Liz Cheney’s White Whale

The view of America from Danish media is almost invariably wrong. Coverage isn’t just unintentionally inaccurate or incomplete—notice I said just—but also often wildly misleading. Whether that’s because they source so much of their American material from partisan sources or because Danish journalists and editors are themselves all wildly partisan is irrelevant: the end product…

News You Can’t Use

In a headline item yesterday I linked to a B.T. story about the Project Veritas videos released earlier in the week that had revealed a CNN technical director bragging about the many ways in which the network actively, deliberately, and aggressively misled their viewers to damage Donald Trump, support Joe Biden, and steer the national…

If You Unbuild It, They Will Come

In accordance with his campaign promises and the will of the American public, Donald Trump attempted during his time in office to shore up the nation’s southern border to reduce and discourage illegal immigration. I mention the support of the American people because you’d never know it from the media, but there is (and always…

According to Kretz

As sure as spring follows winter, so is any public statement by Trump followed by a spastic word salad from DR’s ace U.S. correspondent Steffen Kretz. ANALYSIS: Trump is preparing for civil war in his party, Steffen Kretz,, March 1 President Joe Biden has, in his five or six weeks as president, bombed Syria,…

The Trump Show

Joe Biden has been president of the United States for more than three weeks. Surely it’s now time for the ostensibly borgerlig Berlingske Tidende to familiarize its readers with some of the far-left initiatives the administration has already pushed through. Here are the stories that Berlingske had on their home page this morning (in the…

Give ’em What They Want

Joe Biden has been sworn in as the 46th president of the United States, so the reign of happy sunshine and rainbows has begun. Here was taxpayer-funded DR’s lead story on their website the morning of Inauguration Day: ANALYSIS: Farewell to Trump – not to the anger and the hate, Steffen Kretz,, January 20…

Quintessential Coverage

A week-old article from TV2 only caught my eye the other day because it compressed so much of what’s wrong with contemporary Danish media coverage of the United States into a single article. You can find the original version (obviously in Danish) here: Trump Costs the Developing World Dearly, Svenning Dalgaard,, 24 November Ordinarily…

What Happens in the Post…

A Sunday article from Berlingske (under their AOK rubric) appears to have come straight from the Democratic National Committee (which, insofar as it’s just a recap of a Washington Post article, it sort of did): Trump Burrowed in and Was Like “a Crazy King George”: “I won, I won, I won”, Stine Hansen,, 29…

The Conservative Case for Banning Conservatism

America has, for better or worse, a two party political system. Other parties exist, and some are even quite strong in individual states (consider Senator Bernie Sanders’s socialist following in Vermont), but at the national level American politics is binary: Democrat and Republican. There hasn’t been a president from any other party since Millard Fillmore…

C’mon, Man!

I’m proud of the long and thoughtful piece I wrote the other day. No thoughtfulness today. No fancy philosophical quotes or references to 18th-century French literature. Just a lot of angry contempt served up on a bed of obscenities. Because sometimes a fella’s gotta take a step back and give things some thoughtful reflection, as…

“Astounding Irresponsibility”

A man, in a car, in a facemask, waving to well-wishers from behind a closed window. What kind of monster is he? I’m not sure, so it’s a good thing the establishment press of the entire western world is on it. I even got a news alert on my phone: The promoted article can be…

Big Big Lies

(Before I begin: it’s not my intention to go three or four days at a stretch without posting something, but I had a busy week and it’s not like anything was going on in American politics or culture. Slow news week, right?) This blog is mainly “about the relationship between Danish and American culture, politics,…

“Win, lose, or draw”

I was reading Berlingske’s preview of tonight’s debate between President Trump and Joe Biden (I’m a glutton for punishment), and it was about what I’d expected. At one point in the article, however, author Mikkel Danielsen notes that maybe the attacks predicted from Trump could be an advantage to Biden. “[Det] mener flere amerikanske analytikere,”…

Hund bider mand (igen)

Once again it’s newsworthy that America’s status in the world is declining under a Republican president.  Berlingske shares the news: Siden årtusindeskiftet har analysecentret Pew Resarch Center målt, hvordan udlandet ser på USA. Og aldrig før har meningsmålingerne været så negative som nu. Pew Research elaborates: ”By wide margins, people in Germany, France, Great Britain and Italy…