The elites. The anointed. The establishment. The cathedral. The machine. These are the words most often used to describe the set of people and organizations who wield most of the political power, control most of the economic resources, and exert the most cultural influence in the western world today. The terms are used so widely,…
Category: Explainers
Liars, Damned Liars, and the Media
Friday evening Danish time, Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted by a jury of his peers in Wisconsin. I was braced for the worst from the Danish media over the weekend, and TV2 didn’t let me down. Teenager shot and killed two and went free—why the case divides AmericaLaura Byager Rabøl, TV2 News, Nov 20 If you…
Deep Thought
There’s a particular kind of “think piece” in American journalism that blossoms in the run-up to every federal election. As a young man I thought they were the misguided efforts of well-intentioned people; as a less young man I now realize they’re just liberals trying to trick conservatives into supporting liberal ideas and candidates. This…
C’mon, Man!
I’m proud of the long and thoughtful piece I wrote the other day. No thoughtfulness today. No fancy philosophical quotes or references to 18th-century French literature. Just a lot of angry contempt served up on a bed of obscenities. Because sometimes a fella’s gotta take a step back and give things some thoughtful reflection, as…
Sidste ønske (og andet vrøvl)
All is transpiring as I foretold. Here’s a state-funded DR explainer of sorts, “Vejen er banet for Trumps næste højesteretsdommer: Mitt Romney slukker demokraternes håb.” It’s everything we’ve come to expect from state-funded journalism: it begins with an actual fact: Senator Mitt Romney has publicly declared he would not block a Trump nomination to the…
Sex & Død
There’s an old joke about the liberal slant of New York Times news coverage encapsulated in a single representative headline: “World Ends: Women and Minorities Hardest Hit.” TV2 is clearly trying to keep up with the Times. I can’t fault them entirely: they’re just following the lead of the United Nations, whose Secretary General António…
Formørkende forklaringer
Another day ending in -y, another Danish media “explainer” piece to help ensure the perpetual befuddlement of Denmark on all things American. This time it’s my old employer, the ostensibly “borgerlig” Berlingske. “FBI, coronavirus og kongresmedlemmer: Sådan vokser konspirationsteorierne i USA.” It caught my eye because I thought someone at Berlingske was on the ball. …