The Man Who Never Was

His name is Anthony Bobulinski. I conducted the following searches between 12:15 and 12:27 today, October 28. On On B.T.: On On taxpayer-funded On On And yet, on Google: In case it’s hard to read: that’s 174,000 results in about a quarter of a second. In the news tab of…

Danish Media Pounce

The New York Post published a story yesterday that, like most unflattering stories about Joe Biden, didn’t get much coverage in Denmark. It was entitled “Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad.” The smoking gun in question was an email on a computer whose contents came to the Post’s attention:…

“Astounding Irresponsibility”

A man, in a car, in a facemask, waving to well-wishers from behind a closed window. What kind of monster is he? I’m not sure, so it’s a good thing the establishment press of the entire western world is on it. I even got a news alert on my phone: The promoted article can be…

750 dollars and the laziness of DR

And here we go again. It is nearly October, it is an election year, Orange Man Bad is running. Can you guess what time it is, boys and girls? That’s right. It is hit piece time. And, right on cue, the New York Times, a former newspaper, claims to have gotten the inside scoop on…

For meget er aldrig nok

Stupidity has metastasized in America. We can start with an article from DR: “Slut med hvide stemmer til ikke-hvide roller: ‘The Simpsons’-karakter får ny stemme,” the upshot of which is that the role of Carl Carlson, voiced for more than three decades by Hank Azaria, will in the premiere of their 32nd season be voiced…

Sidste ønske (og andet vrøvl)

All is transpiring as I foretold. Here’s a state-funded DR explainer of sorts, “Vejen er banet for Trumps næste højesteretsdommer: Mitt Romney slukker demokraternes håb.” It’s everything we’ve come to expect from state-funded journalism: it begins with an actual fact: Senator Mitt Romney has publicly declared he would not block a Trump nomination to the…


DR has been thoughtful enough to prepare an “explainer” video on the Karen meme. I’d intended to give it a pretty thorough going-over on Friday, then RBG died and threw the universe off its axis again. (And also, it’s a DR explainer about a stupid American meme. If you don’t strike in the heat of…

Steffen Kretz: Joementum!

The big campaign story coming out of Labor Day weekend in the states was the leveling of the playing field: An interesting turn of events, and probably a bit of a shocker to anyone who’s been relying on DR’s ace U.S.A. correspondent Steffen Kretz for their sense of where the American election is headed. That’s…

DR prøver at forstå

I stumbled over this DR interview with Steen Mørup-Olsen and actually heard it all the way through. Mørup-Olsen is a 67-year-old Dane who’s been living in America for several decades, currently in Atlanta, Georgia. He moved to and has remained in America because he believed it gave him opportunities he wouldn’t have had in Denmark….

Nuancen, nuancen!

In a move surprising no one, President Trump on Monday authorized the United States Postal Service (USPS) to remove public mail collection boxes (or “mailboxes”) throughout the nation.  Consistent with his usual ineptitude, the president ordered the Postmaster General to focus the effort on a handful of collection locations in areas swarming with opposition activists. …

Fear and loathing on DR

When I read an article like “Bidens rejse tilbage til fremtiden,” which appeared on DR’s website this afternoon, it isn’t the obvious bias that bothers me.  It’s that there are only two possible ways that kind of bias can find its way through a newsroom and into publication as a news item, rather than an…

Hvem er det nu, vi er…?

Two items just caught my eye within a relatively short period, and taken together they illustrate some of the problems Danes and Americans have when trying to understand each other’s politics. The first item was a headline from DR: “Sundhedsministeren kan bestemme, hvad et mundbind skal koste – men han afviser at tvinge prisen ned.”…

Vi beklager ikke ulejligheden…

Google was all over the Danish news today. Here’s a summary from Berlingske (“Google ville forbyde lakridspiber. Nu har politikerne fået nok“): Sagen om DR og Google begyndte onsdag, da Google Play Team fjernede DRs børneapp »DR Ramasjang« fra deres digitale butik, Play. Ifølge en mail, som Googles Play Team har sendt til DR, og…

DRs rene propaganda (fortsat)

Given how long it took me to work through the headline of this piece from DR, I’m going to try to tighten things up as I turn to the content. Emphasis on try. In the opening section, on Beyoncé’s “Formation”: “Orkanen [Katrina] påvirkede især boligområder i New Orleans, Louisiana, med en overvejende sort befolkning, der…

DRs rene propaganda

An article appeared on the DR homepage on the 14th of July with the following headline: “Troede du Black Lives Matter-kampen var ny? Her er 13 numre, du skal høre for at forstå den sorte frihedskamp.” We need a simple word or phrase for things that are done carelessly and thoughtlessly on the basis of…