I never heard of Durek Verrett until I stumbled over this article today:
He’s the boyfriend of the Norwegian princess and a self-described shaman. Now he’s outed himself as a reptile
Liv Almer, Berlingske.dk, Oct 6
Before we dive into the crazy mixed-up world of Durek (né Derek) Verrett, here’s a quick Wikipedia summary of his royal girlfriend:
Princess Märtha Louise of Norway (born 22 September 1971) is a Norwegian self-described clairvoyant and the only daughter and elder child of King Harald V and Queen Sonja. She was married to the late writer and visual artist Ari Behn from 2002 to 2017. She is fourth in the line of succession to the Norwegian throne, after her brother Haakon, and his children, but is not a member of the royal house.
The hook of the Berlingske story is an Instagram post that Verrett posted on Sunday. The post consists of a graphic proclaiming that “The reptilians are here to help humanity find TRUE LIBERATION,” and is accompanied by the following text:
I know… you might be reading that and disagree but keep reading before you judge…
I’m a hybrid species of reptilian and Andromeda, and I also hold the energies of the ancient spirits from the old world. There have been lies told about our species that I want to address. We are a cluster of beings, that means that we’ve come here to create structures that help people to come into liberation. Reptilians are here to shake up the system in a big way. Anything that is held in structure that actually limits or holds human beings from seeing liberation we shake. We come as interrupters to interrupt frequency.
The ones who are enslaving the planet if you want to go into a more undefined point of view are the greys. They have taken people off the planet to learn about our weaknesses, and how frequency moves through us. They learned how to disrupt our frequencies by sending certain frequencies like 5G and all these things that are being put in.
The reptilians have been wanting to break the system of the matrix and the greys want to control us. Why? Because there is a ring of planets on the edge of our galaxy, and each of those planets has been taken over by the greys. Ours is the last one in this level of the solar system. If our planet gets taken over a black hole opens and we get pulled into that black hole. You can find these things in hidden religions and sources of this nature.
What we must understand is that the greys only have the power to scramble your mind when you are not operating in the place of unconditional love, when you’re operating in fear. Because fear is a virus that in only that energy can the greys mess with you. The greys will use government people and others to create rules to divide and create technology to scramble us. So again please stop putting down the reptilians. We’re not what they say we are. We’re actually here to help you so that you can find true liberation. That means no labels, no rules, none of these stagnant stuffy things you see on planet earth because that’s not good for your soul. Your soul was born to be free.
First, that post just screams out for a meme. So let’s get that out of the way:

Before I turn my full attention to this remarkable confession, however, let’s get some context going.
Almer’s article doesn’t do much more than elaborate on its headline: we get a little more information about the eponymous shaman, a quick overview of Märtha Louise’s troubled life, and a sense of how this is being received in Norway.
The article concludes:
John Færseth, author, journalist and one of Norway’s leading experts in conspiracy theories, says to the Norwegian media ABC News:
“Shaman Durek has previously claimed, among other things, that he can cure cancer and that he has foreseen terrorist acts. He would seem to have a need to stay relevant and to be talked about. “
The Norwegian Royal Family did not wish comment on the case to ABC News.
John Færseth appears to be right on the money with respect to Verrett: a 2020 New York Times article called Verrett “The Shaman of Instagram” and is exactly the kind of bemused and slightly fawning coverage you’d expect from that former newspaper.
Verrett is either very crazy or very cunning, more likely a little of both. I have no doubt he’s a very charismatic man and I suspect he actually believes some of the things he’s saying.
The man has quite a lot of supporters even beyond the royal Norwegian connection, including (per the Times) Gwyneth Paltrow, Chris Pine, and other celebrities and assorted nouveau riche bobbleheads.
So let’s take him at his word.
I’m a hybrid species of reptilian and Andromeda, and I also hold the energies of the ancient spirits from the old world.
I don’t know what any of this actually means, because I have no knowledge about any reptilian species of hominids, or any Andromeda species of hominid, or whether they’re capable of mating. I don’t know what kind of energies can be “held,” or how, and I have no idea how Verrett got his hands on them from “ancient spirits” of “the old world.” In this context, in fact, I’m not sure whether “the old world” refers to a former way of life on this planet, or a previous planet that Verrett may have previously called home. And is he saying he holds the energies of spirits who were young a long time ago on the old world, and are therefore now ancient, or were these spirits already ancient back in the old world? And how did he get those energies away from their rightful owners?
That’s a lot of ambiguity for a single sentence, but it’s all we’ve got to work with. He’s a reptilian-Andromeda hybrid somehow in possession of unspecified energies from spirits from another time or place (or both).
There have been lies told about our species that I want to address.
Not only is there a species of reptilians and a species of Andromedans, but one or both of them are known widely enough to be discussed—and lied about. I was curious about this, so I Googled “lies about the reptilians,” expecting to find little or nothing. Imagine my astonishment to be informed my query had returned more than 9 million results, including an article from The Atlantic entitled “What It’s Like to Believe You’re Controlled by Reptilians.” (Spoiler: not good.)
So yes, people are talking about Reptilians, and not all of it’s favorable—and some of it may be lies.
Searching “lies about the Andromeda” returns a little more than 8 million hits, and scanning them made it very clear that these were not pages about an Andromeda species, but about the giant galaxy Andromeda and the Ethiopian princess of Greek mythology. (And also a band called Andromeda who released a number called “Lies ‘R Us.” Maybe that counts?)
We are a cluster of beings, that means that we’ve come here to create structures that help people to come into liberation.
This continuing ambiguity is frustrating, and the weird syntax doesn’t help. That the reptilians or Andromedans are “a cluster of beings” makes a certain amount of sense in English, but only until Verrett says that what that means (being a cluster?) is that they’ve come here to… well, never mind, you can read, you can see what he wrote: these beings are here to guide us to liberation by means of their structures.
I’d assume he means this metaphorically, or that it’s some kind of analogy, but he doesn’t take it any further than that, so maybe Habitat for Humanity is more than we’ve been led to believe.
Reptilians are here to shake up the system in a big way.
So… the Andromedans, or the reptilian-Andromedan hybrid cluster of beings, are here to liberate us, but the thoroughbred reptilians are here to shake things up.
I guess that clarifies things a little.
Anything that is held in structure that actually limits or holds human beings from seeing liberation we shake.
Okay, my bad. Let’s back up a little. The reptilians (and apparently hybrids, since he does say “we”) are indeed about shaking structures, but not the structures created by the Andromedans (and hybrids) to liberate us: only the structures that keep us from seeing liberation. And by structures, he means systems. Or vice versa.
We come as interrupters to interrupt frequency.
For that sentence to make sense he has to mean the noun frequency, as in the frequency of sound or radio waves, or light. He doesn’t specify what frequencies he and his cluster of beings are interested in interrupting, but I suppose that’s less important than the knowledge that they come as interrupters to interrupt.
The ones who are enslaving the planet if you want to go into a more undefined point of view are the greys.
It’s hard to imagine a more undefined point of view than what he’s already been handing us, but this may otherwise be the least ambiguous sentence of his post so far: there are “greys,” and they’re the ones enslaving the planet.
They have taken people off the planet to learn about our weaknesses, and how frequency moves through us.
The greys, we may gather, have kidnapped people (by which I assume he means human beings, since those are the species of hominid generally referred to as “people”), which is obviously wicked of them. They’re kidnapping people to learn about the weaknesses of Verrett’s clustered beings, Andromedan or reptilian or hybrid, and how the still unspecified frequency moves through them.
If that’s the case, it would seem more logical for the greys to kidnap Andromedans and reptilians, but he never said the greys were bright.
They learned how to disrupt our frequencies by sending certain frequencies like 5G and all these things that are being put in.
Now things are getting specific: The greys have learned, by means of kidnapping human beings in order to learn how frequencies move through Andromedans and reptilians, that those still-unidentified frequencies can be disrupted by 5G—and also, albeit less specifically, “all these things that are being put in.”
The reptilians have been wanting to break the system of the matrix and the greys want to control us.
The reptilians are on our side, not just because they want to build structures to help us see liberation, but because they want to break the system of the matrix. Whether that means breaking a matrix system or liberating “the” system from control by “the” matrix isn’t clear, but at this point, what is?
In any case, Verrett seems to be establishing that reptilians are our friends and greys are our enemies.
Exactly: why are they greys trying to control us? What do we have that they want?
Because there is a ring of planets on the edge of our galaxy, and each of those planets has been taken over by the greys.
Galactic conquerors! I should have guessed.
Ours is the last one in this level of the solar system.
The last planet, I have to assume he means, although I’m not aware of any levels in our solar system, and in the previous sentence he wasn’t talking about our solar system of a single star and eight or nine planets, but our entire galaxy—estimated to contain around 100 billion stars and an unfathomable number of planets. Have the greys already made inroads into our solar system? Have they already conquered Neptune or Saturn or Venus? That should probably be clarified.
If our planet gets taken over a black hole opens and we get pulled into that black hole.
I interpret this to mean that if our planet is conquered by greys, then a black hole will open. Does a black hole open whenever the greys conquer a planet? If so, why is the conquered “ring of planets on the edge of our galaxy” not already a ring of black holes? If not, why not? Is there something unique about earth that it should react to grey conquest by opening a black hole? Is this metaphorical? Like how “darkness will reign for a thousand years” if the armies of Mordor conquer Middle Earth?
Wait, was J.R.R. Tolkien a reptilian?
You can find these things in hidden religions and sources of this nature.
Easy for him to say: if we all knew about the hidden religions and sources they wouldn’t be hidden, would they?
What we must understand is that the greys only have the power to scramble your mind when you are not operating in the place of unconditional love, when you’re operating in fear.
I wasn’t worried about greys scrambling my mind: I was worried about them conquering our planet and my getting sucked into a black hole.
That much said, if greys are scramblers of minds that are “operating in fear,” I begin to suspect Verrett must be the most frightened man alive.
Because fear is a virus that in only that energy can the greys mess with you.
I’ve read and reread this sentence a dozen times and still can’t make any actual sense of it, but it seems to be suggesting something along the lines of fear being an infectious energy that’s exploited by the greys to mess with us.
And we don’t want the greys to mess with us (because we don’t want to be sucked into a black hole), so we need to fight the fear.
The greys will use government people and others to create rules to divide and create technology to scramble us.
This is unsurprising: we’ve already established the greys want to conquer us, so turning our own governments and technologies against us would be textbook tactics. It’s fair to wonder, in light of this information, whether Instagram was created by greys.
So again please stop putting down the reptilians.
I never have, but I’ll do my best not to in the future.
We’re not what they say we are.
I’ve never heard anyone malign reptilians, but I’ll be appropriately skeptical if I do.
We’re actually here to help you so that you can find true liberation.
The reptilians love us and want us to be liberated, check. Even if liberation only means “not being sucked into a black hole,” I’m all in.
That means no labels, no rules, none of these stagnant stuffy things you see on planet earth because that’s not good for your soul.
If the greys are bad, are we allowed to call them bad, or is that a label? If Verrett wants us to “stop putting down the reptilians,” and we interpret that as a rule, is it bad for our soul?
I’d appreciate some specific examples of the “these stagnant stuffy things” to be seen on planet earth that aren’t good for our souls.
Your soul was born to be free.
And that’s that.
Add it all up, and what have we got?
The reptilians are doing the best they can to save us from the nefarious greys, who seek to conquer us so we can be sucked into a black hole. The greys seek to do that by controlling our politicians, scrambling our brains with technology, and infecting us with fear. The reptilians are doing their best to protect us, but the greys are exploiting an architectural weakness among the reptilians: their vulnerability to 5G and “all these things that are being put in.” We must not believe all the lies being told about them in stagnant stuffy places (like The Atlantic!).
This is what the shaman Durek Verrett is telling us.
And we ignore him at our peril, because a Norwegian princess and Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Pine just adore him.
Because he’s so wise.
Truly, this is the best of all possible worlds.
What’s the frequency, Kenneth?
Michael Stipe always did seem a little reptilian…